Many people at some time in their lives think about dying by suicide. Most decide to live, because they eventually come to realize that the crisis is timed limited (doesn’t last forever).
Suicide is not about wanting to die, but about a powerful need for pain to end. People choose suicide because they feel unable to cope with feelings of pain, hopelessness, helplessness, isolation, and uncertainties.
The more you know about suicide, the better you will be able to help someone struggling with these issues. Use the resources on this website to learn more about the warning signs of suicide, and what you can do to help promote suicide awareness and prevention.
The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is a national, federally funded network of local crisis centers providing suicide prevention and intervention services through a toll-free telephone number: 1-800-273-TALK (8255).
ts mission is to provide immediate assistance to individuals in suicidal crisis by connecting them to the nearest available crisis center in their area. For more information, you can visit
The Fort Peck Reservation is home to two separate Indian nations, each composed of numerous bands and divisions.
The Sioux divisions of Sisseton, Wahpetons, the Yanktonais, and the Teton Hunkpapa are all represented.
The Assiniboine bands of Canoe Paddler and Red Bottom are represented.
The Reservation is located in the extreme northeast corner of Montana, on the north side of the Missouri River.